Maf is a Mexican artist and illustrator based between London and Mexico City. Her work is bold, juicy, and bursting with colour, drawing inspiration from her Latin American roots and newfound love for British culture.

NYT: 100 Dream Trips Around the World

Fruto de mi vientre / Fruit of my womb

Black Cherry Balm - Glossier

Butter Brick on Toast - Mirror Water

Mujeres, no fantasmas / Women, not ghosts

Editorial Portrait

Cambia la historia (Spot Illustrations)
Reclaim Your Power, for Elle Mexico
Working with Maf has been a really brilliant experience. From sketches and character design, through to layouts and final illustrations, Maf is dedicated to the details and has creative flair for drawing people and their wonderful bodies. Awesome energy, great poses, lovely textures. Can’t wait to team up again soon!   - Reuben Armstrong, Director of